Laid Scrims Manufacturer and Supplier

Prepregs ke eng?

Li-fiberglass mesh li ne li behile li-scrims fiberglass composites composites bakeng sa Linaha tsa Middle East

Lesela le entsoeng ka lesira la lesira la matlu bakeng sa scrim le tiisa lera la marulelo (2)

Fiberglass mesh e ne e behile scrims fiberglass tissue compposites mat bakeng sa Linaha tsa Middle East (3)

Prepregs, e leng Preimpregnated Materials, eo fiber e matlafatsang e kenngoeng pele ka thermoplastic kapa thermoset resin matrix ka tekanyo e itseng. Ke ntho e tloaelehileng haholo ea lipakeng tsa lisebelisoa tse ngata tse kopantsoeng.

Ha ho bapisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling, motsoako o hlahisoang ke Prepregs o ka ntlafatsa matla, boima, ho hanyetsa kutu, bophelo ba mokhathala, ho hanyetsa ho apara, ho hanyetsa tšusumetso, phekolo ea boima ba 'mele le litšobotsi tse ling.

Morao tjena, hangata e sebelisoa ho hlahisa indasteri ea lifofane, indasteri e akaretsang, lipapali, lihlahisoa tsa boikhathollo, joalo-joalo.

Joalo ka letlooa le tataisang moea la Prepregs, li-scrims tse behiloeng li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa haholo. Ts'ebetso ea eona e ikhethang e boetse e etsa hore e be lisebelisoa tse tloaelehileng tšimong ea Prepregs.

Tshebetso e khethehileng ke e latelang:
① Ho koloba hantle ha resin
② Ho khomarela hantle filimi ho finyella litlhoko tsa lihlahisoa tse rarahaneng tsa sebopeho;
③ Kopana le litlhoko tsa mantlha tsa ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa.
④ Ho kenella ha moea le botsitso

Shanghai Ruifiber e ikhethetse ho etsa mefuta eohle ea li-scrims tse behiloeng bakeng sa Prepregs. Rea u amohela ho botsa le ho buisana.

Ruifiber o ile a beha melemo ea scrims: Boima bo bobebe, bo theko e boima, boleng bo tsitsitseng,
Ts'ebeliso e pharalletseng, joalo ka indasteri ea Prepreg, aluminium foil reinforcement, GRP/FRP phala e entsoeng, matla a moea, litheipi tsa likhomaretsi tse matlafalitsoeng, sekontiri se matlafalitsoeng, lisebelisoa tsa fatše, likhomphutha tsa mathe, pampiri ea bongaka e matlafalitsoeng, jj.

Lebitsong la Shanghai Ruifiber, amohela bareki bohle ba rona ba bacha le ba khale ho etela feme ea rona ka nako ea hau e loketseng.

Nako ea poso: Mar-08-2021
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